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About Me


John “Jack” Theall

Boston, MA

Who am I?

I am a computer science and mathematics undergraduate student studying at Quinnipiac University. I am an incredibly driven person and I dedicated to learning as much as I can about computing so that I can achieve a level of professionalism in this field that will allow me to improve people’s lives worldwide. I am expected to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in May 2023.

Why Computer Science?

With technology as powerful as it is in today’s world, I believe that an understanding of computer science is the most powerful tool humans have to create positive change. I, along with the majority of my family, am type one diabetic and rely on insulin pump technology daily to survive. Living with this disease has been eye-opening to the seemingly limitless power of improving technology. I draw motivation from the idea that once I have become a computing professional, I will have the knowledge and expertise required to perfect the software behind the artificial pancreas, effectively providing a technological solution to the disease.

Current Experience

Infosys Limited

Over the course of the Summer ‘22, I worked as a software development intern in the Infosys InStep program. During the program I collaborated with a team of technical mentors, junior software developers, and other InStep interns to develop a standalone web application designed to accept post-interview feedback from panelists who have interviewed hiring candidates. Development cycles over the course of the program adhered to agile methodologies. Our standalone app was then integrated into a larger delivery ops web application containing more administrative functionality.


My primary responsibility during the program was to design and build backend entities, repositories, service interfaces & implementations complete with business logic, and APIs for frontend-backend communication.

Tools Used

I utilized Java Spring Boot to provide me with a backend framework. I also designed entity relations using Postgres and leveraged PostgreSQL and pgAdmin to manage database systems. Finally, I familiarized myself with the Angular framework to the point of proficiency so that I was able to assist my team in the integration between frontend and backend, and ensure that API endpoints were hit and results were utilized as intended.

Relevant Coursework

My current GPA is 3.95


Application Programming



Non-Academic Interests

Obligatory Pet Section

This is my bengal cat named Barley. She’ll either give you love & cuddles, or claws & teeth depending on her mood. No in-between. Barley